Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Week 7: Summer Learning Journey Practice - Activity One

Hi my name is Jemma.

Today i am going to tell you two new facts hear's one.

South Africa has 55 million people wow million's of people . Second fact is that South Africa is a country located at the southern tip of the African continent wow that is so interesting. I am learning
new facts that are interesting . I wonder if you are learning new facts too?
See you later.

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Week 6: Orienteering

Talofa lava bloggers

Every Thursday we do orienteering with Leon. At first, we thought it was a bit boring because we had to listen to so much new information. Miss Fortes said that even though it was part of our sports programme, there is always a time to sit back, listen and learn.

Now we think that orienteering is the best sport in the world. Here are a few photos of us completing a Motala. This means many courses or relays.

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Week 5: Thank you letter

Dear Dosirak.

Thank you for the food we had yesterday for our lunch. It was lovely and I liked it. I loved the soy milk because it tasted like banana and strawberry milk. I loved all the food.

Thank you Jemma.

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Week 4: Dosirak, made with love for NZ kids

Annyeonghaseyo. Pohatu Class-eyo. Bangawoyo.

As part of the 2017 Korea Festival School Programme, we had 100 Dosirak lunches provided for us. These free lunches were generously provided as part of the “Dosirak, made with love for NZ Kids” programme run by The Consulate of the Republic of Korea in Auckland in conjunction with the Korean Education Centre.

Arum was the amazing woman who gave us the opportunity to participate in the programme. We were so excited when we saw Arum pull up with her father. Some of us quickly ran up to greet her in Korean and help her unload the delicious lunches.

We would like to say a massive 'Gamsa-hamnida' (thank you) to the following people
  • Arum and her father
  • Korean Consulate in Auckland
  • Korean Education Center in New Zealand
  • Michael Choi and the other fabulous chefs
  • AUT
  • JR Wholesale Meats
  • BidFood

We learned to say 'kimchi' when we pose for a photo instead of saying 'cheese'. Here is a picture of us with Arum

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Week 3: Orienteering

Hi bloggers

Here are a few pics of us doing orienteering. We learned that is is important to always have you map North facing when you are trying to navigate your way around a course.

Thnaks for reading